Foundation Types

Every women is blessed with their specific skin type, color, tone, so there are different foundation types according to their needs. You want to know which foundation formula and texture is best for you?
We have assembled together a list of foundation types according to your skin type and needs that help you choose the right foundation for you.

Liquid Foundation

One of the most popular types of foundation is a liquid foundation that is easy to blend and glide for any skin type. For both combination to dry skin, this foundation is the right formula. Liquid foundation is easy to blend avoiding all kinds of lines and creasing on face. In the past, stick foundations were common for brides, but now, with the heavy coverage formula of liquid foundation, it has overcome stick foundation as well.

Powder Foundation
Powder foundation is the most classic type of foundation. It is also easy and convenient to blend with if the face is moisturizer and primed before.

Mineral Foundation
Mineral foundation is also a good type especially for dry skin. These mineral and powder don’t give heavy coverage and only preferable for people with good and clear skin. It comes in the form of compact and light coverage formula. If it is not applied carefully, then it might be mess on the face.

Stick Foundation
After liquid foundation, this is the commonly used form of foundation that comes in stick form and easy to carry with. It is based on heavy coverage and thick consistency formula, designed specifically for functions, parties and weddings.

BB Cream
            BB creams are coming in wide range and perfect for all skin types. These creams are designed for those people who have to provide coverage to their face on regular basis and tired of using liquid foundations. BB cream is easy to apply as comes in liquid form. Plus, these creams also contain SPF in them that can be used on daily basis.

CC Creams
            CC creams are prepared with light coverage formula that are also designed for people with daily foundation needs. These creams even the skin tone and provide fresh look to the face.

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