Dark Makeup

            When some special event comes like Halloween, Wedding, and other related, then dark makeup always become necessary. Dark makeup can be achieved in different ways; such as, Smokey eyes, Gothic look, black lipstick, brown eyes, and in many cases, lips and eyes are both dark. The dark makeup look is mostly for night look. Other than the requirement, there are many people who always wear dark makeup. It is not new that women like to paint their face but they have been experimenting from the ancient Egyptian times.
            In summer, brown in daytime is also considered a dark makeup as black cannot be wear all the time. It is possible to achieve dark makeup look without using black color. You can use brown lip color, keeping eyes brown and adding brown pigments. In the picture, she is using dark lipstick and dark eye shadows.


            Another famous look in dark makeup is Gothic look. There are many people who always like to keep this look. This look is mostly common in western countries. For people who like to keep sultry looks, Gothic makeup is the best. Gothic makeup is based on using black and dark colored lipsticks and eye shadows. Jet black eyeliner is a must use for this look.

Another most trendy and demanding look is Smokey eye look. Smokey makeup is very common and never gets out of fashion.  It always stays in fashion and is mostly done at night. Smokey makeup is done by doing dark makeup of eyes in the form of making them complete black or adding additional colors. For example, black eye shadow can be added to the eyelid or to the corner of the eyes with adding some lighter shade in the eyelids. So, it depends which way you want to do. 

                        The fall inspired makeup look is another dark makeup look. The fall inspired makeup look is another dark makeup look. There are many people who count days till autumn, so the below picture is an exact look they want. This look has been created with pretty eye shadows, flawless foundation and matte lipstick. You can create this look with affordable products and don’t need to buy expensive products.

Another type of dark makeup is vampire makeup look. This vampire look is mostly done on Halloween or any carnival.

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