Makeup At Home-Step by Step with Pictures

Makeup is an art that can only be mastered with the help of practice. At home, we don't want to spend much time in applying makeup, so we need fast and easy techniques to do day and night makeup hassle free. However, it is very important to learn makeup as in this fast pace, we don't get time to go to saloons. I am going to share very easy and quick tricks that one can master and do makeup within ten to fifteen minutes without much effort.

Before starting with any step, remember you have to be very precise and specific in terms of quantity of any makeup product and tool. Many people use big brushes and too much foundation that leads to creating lines on their skin. Remember it is your face that is needed to be dealt with care.

First Step-Skin Preparation

The first step is to apply any kind of primer or moisturizer that suits your skin. If your skin is dry, then you should apply both primer and moisturizer before applying foundation. Also, keep in mind that neck is also a part that you shouldn't forget. So, don't forget to prepare neck. Many people forget this part in hurry that makes them look odd.

Second Step-Apply Foundation

The second step is to apply foundation with the help of sponge or brush. If your skin is dry, then apply liquid foundation and if it is oily, then you can apply any kind; such as, stick, liquid, powder, BB cream and so forth. The key is to blend foundation with the help of sponge. If you are going to some wedding, then use high coverage foundation.

Step Three-Apply Concealer

Apply concealer after foundation if you find any dark spots, dark circles or any blemish on the skin. If you don't find the need for covering any dark area, then forget about this step.

Step Four-Eye Makeup

Many people do eye makeup first and then move on with the rest. So, it is totally your choice how can you handle. First, do your eye brows with the help eye brow pencil or eye brow tint. If it is daytime, then you can do it with pencil and keep it normal. Then apply the eye shadows. After applying eye shadows, curl the lashes and apply fake lashes. Don't apply too much quantity of eye shadows and layer it slowly by blending each shade. Always tap off the excess from the brush and keep blending. The key is to use small and precise brushes in applying eye shadow or it will create a mess.

Step Five-Contouring & Highlighting

After getting done with eyes, it is time to contour the areas that you want to hide and highlight the areas that you want to show on face prominently. Always use three shades darker color for contouring and for highlighting, apply golden highlighter for dark skinned tone and white or pink for white skin tone. Highlighting is my favorite step. I love to highlight my cheekbones.

Step Six-Lipstick

This is the most important part of makeup. It depends on your personal preference that which color you want to apply. Some people prefer light and some love dark shades. If you are going out at a daytime, then go for light color. If you are going on some wedding or event, then dark color will look good. Hence, color choice is entirely on your personal choice and what suits you. For example, i love light colors as i believe dark colors don't suit me.

Step Seven-Setting up the face

For finishing the look, apply some setting powder or use some fixer spray. This step makes sure that your makeup will last longer. If it is summer and you are sweating, then this step will really help a lot.

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