Makeup Foundations

There are different color, types and textures of foundations available in the market for different market needs. Foundations plays the major role in creating a perfect look. Other than quality, there are other factors that are needed to be considered before buying foundation; such as, coverage, consistency, application, ingredients, texture, type and many more. Hence, how to decide the perfect foundation for your skin type? We have assembled a guide below to select the right foundation according to your need. Therefore, read the complete article to renew your makeup collection.

Liquid Foundation

The most widely and common type of foundation is liquid foundation. For dry to combination skin, liquid foundation is the best choice. It is easy to apply liquid foundation as it glides on quickly. There are different types in liquid foundation from light coverage to complete coverage. For day look, it is ideal to buy light coverage foundation and for night functions, heavy coverage foundation should be considered. If you are going on wedding, participating in some stage drama etc., then heavy coverage foundation is the best choice for you.

Stick Foundation

After liquid foundation, the second most common type is the stick foundation. Stick foundation gives heavy coverage than the liquid foundation. Applying and blending stick foundation is also tricky and needs moisturizer and primer before its application. Also, it is best to apply it with the help of finger tips and sponge. If you have oily skin, then this is the best choice for you. However, if you have dry skin, then stick foundation will give you hard time during its application.

Powder Foundation

Powder foundation is very convenient and easy form of foundation. Powder foundation comes in the form of compact case, similar to the face powder case. It is ideal to use on oily skin. It can also be applied on dry skin if apply properly or else, it will leave dry patches and lines. Powder foundation is used to give natural looks. For people who have clear and spotless skin, this foundation is the best choice.

Mineral Powder Foundation
Mineral powder foundations have been getting popular with the increasing demand for organic and natural products. This foundation is also in the form of powder and comes in the sifter and compact case. However, this foundation needs a technique to be applied properly or else, it will look messy and lines will appear on the face. For touch-ups during the day, this foundation is the best.

BB Cream Foundations
  One of the most popular foundation getting sky high demand are BB cream foundations. BB means beauty balm and has a creamy texture formula. For oily skin, BB cream is the best option. There are many BB creams with moisture element in them that make it easily to apply.

CC Cream
  CC cream stands for color correction that provides light coverage to the skin. These creams come with anti-ageing properties and good for people having sensitive skin. CC creams are effective for face hydration, toning skin, fresh and bright faced look.

The above are some of the favorite and common types of foundations used worldwide. For dry skin, liquid foundations are the best and for oily, all other types can work. 

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