American Makeup

Makeup style has always varied from culture to culture and country to country. Like Korean like to do natural makeup with their specific techniques, American makeup is also different. The goal of every American woman is to look a dramatic and classy. As American are already a country with beautiful people, they like to play with makeup keeping their natural features in place. 

In American, male have been emerging increasingly in this industry and giving tough competition to women.

American is a country with trend setting and other countries follow its trends. Major and famous makeup artists with worldwide popularity emerge from America. As it is a big country with multinational backgrounds, talent is also high. Also, increasing competition in America is also accelerating talent. Body painting is also famous in America.  

During the World War I, makeup industry got major hype. This hype was increased more after 1960 and also motivated men to engage in this field, too. Keeping in account the increasing revenue, more and more companies started emerging targeting every kind of target market.
Keeping in consideration the demand for makeup, these companies started offering facials, cleansers and other skin care treatments to make money. Makeup has always been changing in American culture. Nowadays, makeup trend is increasing and even small girls, men and old aged women are getting crazy for makeup. There are many American bloggers and vloggers that includes kids, young, adults, old and middle aged uploading their makeup videos. America is famous for setting trend for the rest of the world.

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